Photographer: Mark Allan
CD Aufnahmen
Wenn der über weite Tonlagen verfügende Sänger sekundenschnell von hartkantiger Akzentuierung zu lyrischer Stimmungshaftigkeit von bezauberndem Klangreiz wechselt und der Pianist die komplexen Akkordballungen mit grösster rhythmischer Präzision und zugleich feinster dynamischer Abstufung intoniert, erzeugen sie “Unwiderstehliche Schönheit” wie der Titel eines dieser Lieder in Slow-Fox-Manier lautet.
Musik und Theater Magazin (CH) (Walter Labhart)
"Mit Fortschreiten des Programms bewundert man die interpretatorische Wandlungsfähigkeit des Sängers immer mehr, der in dem Pianisten einen sowohl unterstützenden wie herausfordernden Begleiter hat."
(Lyrita Records / Geoffrey Bush Songs)
Klassik Heute (Ekkehard Pluta)
Simon Wallfisch singt die Lieder mit markant granulierter Stimme, Ausdruck geht ihm vor Stimmschönheit. Das steht den expressiven Inhalten der Lieder gut an. Für die rare Entdeckungsfahrt, dem Repertoirewert des Albums ist dem engagierten Allrounder ohnedies uneingeschränkter Dank zu zollen.
Online Merker Dr. Ingobert Waltenberger
CD Reviews English
"...Simon Wallfisch and Edward Rushton prove eloquent, expert guides. Wallfisch’s baritone is a sturdy, authoritative instrument... The baritone offers impressive conviction, a natural sense of communication and a broad dynamic range, both from song to song and within each number..."
Gramophone (Hugo Shirley) - Brahms - Songs of Loss and Betrayal Resonus Classics 2020
"...There’s no doubting the quality of his artistry. Dynamics are immaculately controlled... Wallfisch has a consistently fine way with words... his ceaseless shifts in tone create characterisations of quite exceptional vividness..."
Gramophone (Tim Ashley) - Schumann - Songs of Love and Death Resonus Classics 2019
"I was impressed by the clear, confident singing of Simon Wallfisch. Every word is defined; every nuance of the melody is presented with confidence and understanding. He has mastered the sentiment and literary detail and adapts perfectly his vocal style to the various moods of each song. His voice is controlled and never strained. Wallfisch makes an ideal artist for English song recitals. Edward Rushton provides a consistently sympathetic accompaniment to all these songs." (Lyrita Records / Geoffrey Bush Songs)
MusicWeb-International (John France) - Songs of Geoffrey Bush, Lyrita Records 2015
Opera Reviews English:
(Werther / English Touring Opera 2015)
“Simon Wallfisch is a warm-voiced, strong and dependable Albert for whom we also feel deeply sorry; he truly loves Charlotte, and his bitter sarcasm as he hands her the pistols to give to Werther (knowing she will not give them to him) is harrowing.”
"Wallfisch raises the onstage energy every time he appears and reminds us that this is an opera of scale."
"The standout performance, in fact, comes from Simon Wallfisch who, with his own ringing baritone and excellent enunciation, manages to shine in the role of Albert." (Sam Smith)
"As Charlotte’s betrothed, Albert, Simon Wallfisch seemed a neater fit for his role, and contributed a much needed intimation of inner unrest, doubt and tension; there was an energy and buzz every time Albert was on stage. His voice was well-supported and communicated with directness; this was a confident performance, musically and dramatically."
Opera Today (Claire Seymour)
"Simon Wallfisch, always charismatic, accomplished the unusual task of making husband Albert more romantic than Werther."
Opera Now (Robert Thicknesse)
Pelléas et Mélisande 2013 (Grimeborne), 2015 (ETO)
"Simon Wallfisch’s Pelléas was a joy to hear, his long phrases, his excellent french and his commitment to a role that has defeated many a big name… a force to reckon with in this particular style as a baryton-martin."
Auditorium Magazine (Eduardo Jacobo Bennaroch)
"Simon Wallfisch brought a gauche, earnest energy to Pelléas that made the character painfully believable. He has a voice tailor-made for the role."
Opera Magazine (Yehuda Shapero)
"Wallfisch provided some stunningly beautiful singing and finely modulated phrases, responding to Debussy's subtle music.
[He was] an ardent Pelleas. All wide-eyed innocence and beautiful tone,
Wallfisch's Pelleas was one of the most beautifully sung accounts of the role that I have come across.
"...thanks to an extraordinary cast.
Simon Wallfisch invests Pelléas with a
wholly endearing Pierrot-like shyness."
Evening Standard (Kieron Quirke)
"The appropriately youthful Simon Wallfisch as Pelléas copes effortlessly with Debussy's taxing baryton-martin writing and sustains his energy throughout some intensely physical acting."
What's on stage (Mark Valencia)
"Simon Wallfisch was a delight as her unhappy lover Pelléas, singing with tone and tenderness, while conveying a tangible eroticism on stage which gave their forbidden love a profound and believable, sensuality."
One Stop Arts (Charlotte Valeri)